Organizational Storytelling
Amb aquest títol trobo un post d'Antoine en què ens comenta un enfocament del blogging corporatiu en clau de "contacontes corporatiu".
- Company or Business Story - every company has their own story. How it started, it's evolution, it's successes and failures, it's lessons learnt and how it's interacted within it's industry.
- Product Stories - in a similar way, each product or service within a company has a story. How the idea was born, what needs it was designed to meet, what versions and evolutions it's been through and how customers are using it.
- Employee Stories - a business is only ever as good as it's employees and every one of them has their own story. These stories are important as they illustrate what the employees bring to the job that they do (experiences, passions, skills etc) but they also empower the employee and give a personal face to a company.
- Customer Stories - telling the stories of customers (with permission of course) can be a very powerful thing both internally and externally for a business. The interactions a company and customer have are great for learning and education of staff, they help to illustrate the values of a company and if done well can be incredibly empowering for a customer.
M'he fixat amb els plurals que utilitza Darren: parla d'un conjunt de veus. Això, de vegades, pot no agradar perquè no és el camí més fàcil. O pot semblar arriscat.
Tanmateix, la postura oposada, d'una sola veu, també comporta grans inconvenients, sobretot per a les grans empreses. Així, moltes vegades acabem dient que "manca el sentit comú". Seth ens conta un bon exemple, però segur que tots en veiem cada dia.
Jo diria que es tracta de la naturalesa social de les persones i les organitzacions. Es tracta de passar d'un enfocament maquinal a un altre de social. Serà més complexe, és clar, però també més humà. A mi personalment em resulta preocupant pensar en mons aïllats.
No paga la pena intentar-ho?
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